Page - Hal May

Hal May
The author started being born in Foreman, Arkansas and finished in
Texarkana, Texas, in 1945, started the first grade in Foreman, Arkansas, going
to 8 first grades, in Arkansas and California, 5 second grades in
California, 3rd and 4th grade in Colorado, the 5th and 6th grade in
Abilene, Texas, and the 7th through 11th in Fort Worth, Texas, (with
part of a semester in the 10th grade, in military school in Bryan,
He attended Texarkana Junior College, North Texas
State University and Weatherford Junior College, later taking academic
bankruptcy, starting over again, (in 1982), at The University of Texas
at Arlington, receiving his (interdisciplinary) Bachelor's degree in
Integrated Ideological and Behavioral Studies there, in 1987. He joined
the United States Navy in August of 1963, and received his (honorable)
discharge in December of that year. He was married 2 times, before
coming to know Christ, (in 1975), marrying again in 1986. He has
one child that he knows of, a daughter, born in 1967, by his first
marriage, who lives in Austin, Texas, plus two stepchildren and 6 step
grandchildren. He has many brothers and sisters in Christ, and many
patient friends and family members.
Whatever good things he has are by the grace of God, for he
has proved himself unable to make the right decisions time and again,
when he doesn't listen carefully, and heed God's voice. He asks for the
continued patience and prayers of his friends and depends on the
continued grace of God.
Writers E-book Net, is proud
to have
Hal May as one of our authors. We are
glad to be the
publisher of his first E-book
Madness and the Dream
(Theology, Testimony, Apologetic)
Read the Introduction to this
This title is
available and ready for deliver to you by E-mail: $4.98, or on disk (mailed): $6.98
To place your order, return to the shopping page.
it possible to logically prove that God exists?
Is God subject to His own law? Does the question:
"If God is all-powerful, can He make a stone so heavy
even He can't lift it?" really have an answer, or not?
Can science and faith be in agreement? Do people still
experience miracles, in the same way they did in
Biblical times? Is it possible to prove that there is
physical reality beyond what we see in our 3D world?
Is the phrase, "I have seen the light," more than a
metaphor? Is free will really possible, if God is
omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent? Is Jesus God?
Can I know which of the world's belief systems are
lies and which are true? Are all but one a lie? Can it
be proved? Can I personally know God?
The answers to all of these questions are "Yes."
Many of the details concerning them are contained in
this book, and many more subjects are covered.
Would you like to have a book that addresses many
issues, either for yourself, or for a friend, family
member, or acquaintance who needs answers to difficult
questions, one which has chapters that are sometimes
deep, philosophical, and analytical, and other chapters
that are simply a testimony of God's love? Would you
like that book to deal with serious subjects, from
politics to metaphysics, but the author not to take
himself too seriously?
This is it. Try it. I think you'll like it.
The first man and woman to read the rough draft had
their lives changed, even though they were already
Christians. The author, in the meantime, was amazed to
find that God really was doing a work through him, as
He said that He would. |
Page Last
Updated: October 18, 2003
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