Christian Writer's EBook
Christian eBooks - Christian Publisher - Christian Authors - Christian Digital Books
We're here to offer the Christian community a place for Christian
authors to publish their writings & market them to the Christian
reading public. Our quality eBooks for Christian readers are at
reasonable prices. Most titles are under $5.

We are redesigning our website. Please check back as we add new content and pages.

If God has given you the gift of story telling and you would like us to consider publishing your book and selling on our eBook shop on our website, then we want to hear from you. We are seeking God gifted, talented writers to join our Christian eBook publishing company. Our mission is to form a "link" between your creative work and the Christian market of readers who would love to see your creative property. Our site is designed so writers can get their works published and market them to the world by way of the Internet. We are looking for first time authors, or those who have been published before and have fiction, non-fiction, how-to, or poetry in all genres of writing. For more information visit our publishing page. If you have an eBook you would like to offer in our eBook shop just writer to us and we would love to talk to you.


We are a full service company. Which means we can do it all for you & your writing.
  • Publish your eBook
  • Design your authors page on our website
  • Design and host your own custom website to promote and sell your writing
  • Produce a custom book trailer promotional video featuring your eBook
  • Post your custom book trailer video on YouTube and other video portals.


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Get Your Book Published

2015-16 Christian Writers' Market Guide, The only market guide that deals specifically with Christian book and periodical markets, with listings of agents, contests, writer's groups and conferences nationwide--plus publishers listed by topic. Also check out The Writing World defined--A to Z, Definitions, descriptions, how-to, and best Websites on all terms related to writing.


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