Todd David Weiner |
Todd is director of
Apologetics, an organization promoting and defending
the Christian faith through debates, seminars and resource
materials. He is presently giving two apologetic presentations at churches and Christian schools entitled
The Objective Proofs for Jesus Being the Only Way to God: A Comparative Study of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam,
Judaism and Christianity and God’s Miraculous Preservation
of the Jews: 2000 B.C. to Present.
also gives a motivational speech about how to overcome
tragedy entitled: How Could a Loving God Permit
Suffering? Todd’s
current status as a single parent with sole custody of
three children (they lost their mother to manic
depression) puts him in the unique position to reach
others with the positive message of how to overcome
Writers E-book Net, is proud
to have
David Weiner as one of our authors. We are
glad to be the
publisher of his latest E-book.
Read a sample
by clicking the link below
Proving Jesus is
the Jewish Messiah!
- A Comprehensive
Refutation of
Jewish Anti-Missionaries
This title is
available and ready for deliver to you by E-mail:
To place your order, return to the shopping page.
Jews for
Judaism, and other
anti-missionaries like them, are actively engaged in turning
Jewish people away from Jesus. We directly quote and refute
the technical arguments taken from the anti-missionaries
best books and apologists. Yet, my book is designed with the
laymen in mind. It is written in the most simple,
non-technical language possible. It is also designed to be a
mini-crash course about the history of the Jewish people and
the birth of Messianic expectation. |
Writers E-book Net, is proud
to have
David Weiner as one of our authors. We are
glad to be the
publisher of his first E-book.
Read a sample by clicking the link below
Could a Loving God Permit Suffering?
- Answers and Help For the Hurting
This title is
available and ready for deliver to you by E-mail:
To place your order, return to the shopping page.
Two years ago during
family devotions, my children asked me why God allowed such
horrible things to happen to us. Paulina, my oldest, was
descending into the same suicidal depression as her mother.
Paul was fighting a cancerous brain tumor, which alone had
shaken everyone’s faith. To add insult to injury, their
mother lost her mind during Paul’s hospital treatments,
terrorizing doctors, nurses, and me with delusional
accusations. Bent on traumatizing us even further, she
shacked up with a street thug and started a divorce/custody
battle. When my life was threatened, I sought police
protection. After winning full custody, we hurriedly moved
out of town into our new home where despairing eyes awaited
a reply to their pointed question. Being in Christian
ministry, I should have had a ready response. But never
having reconciled my own grievances over God’s “failure” to
intervene, I dodged their inquiry with a feeble “We’ll talk
about it later.” Hearing how writing out your experiences is
therapeutic, I decided to organize mine into a book,
embarking on my mission with high hopes of not only finding
answers and healing for my pain but also lessening the
suffering of those whose lives meant everything to me—my
children. My book, How Could a Loving God Permit
Suffering? Answers and Help for the Hurting is
written in an easy to read, analytical style and provides
A unique, in-depth devotional study of God’s
character traits that relate to solving the mystery of why
He allows suffering. (How it transformed my perspective is
Numerous uplifting stories of how people emerged
triumphant over tragedy desirous to lead others by the hand
through the horrors of post-Eden life back to the God of
A candid, inside look at my family's battle to cope
simultaneously with suicidal depression, an odyssey in the
world of childhood cancer, and the devastation of divorce;
A novel, comprehensive guide that connects the
hurting reader to helping ministries.