Horatio Hound
the Bible Pup
(I'm the one on the left)
kid's. My name is Horatio Hound the Bible Pup. My friends gave me the
nick name of "The Bible Pup" because I love reading my Bible,
and learning all I can about the Lord Jesus Christ. I also love to tell
others about how much God loves each and every one of us. Since I'm a
big puppy, I live out side under the stars in a "Pup Tent."
Well, that's what my friends started calling it, and I kind of like it,
so I called it the "Pup Tent" too. That's why I call my
stories, "Stories From The Pup Tent." My friends love to stop
by and visit and hear my stories. I hope you will enjoy my stories too.
This is my first e-book, and I also have a one hour long story cassette
full of great stories. I will have more e-books
of great stories ready
soon, and an e-book of Bible
devotions just for kids is also coming
Thanks for look at what I have to share with you and I
hope you will get
my book, and tell your friends about it.