Page - Rev. Jack Duis

Reverend Jack L. Duis
Reverend Jack L.
Duis is an ordained minister of over twenty-one years.
Born and raised in South Western Michigan. Jack has been
gifted by God with several spiritual healing gifts...
which has been used by God to heal the masses. Jack has
entwined in his ministry these gifts to show the “reality”
of God to the many of whom that may suspect that there is
no real God.
This book, “Miracles, Touched By God “ was not put
together in a matter of weeks, but, has taken him over a
period of five long years. Everything in this book is
factual, based on real people and is documented to that
fact! This is not a fiction book!
Miracles, Touched By God is a real “faith”
builder, showing the reader , just how God has given
individuals “miracles” from Him. Jack. says, “ some
individuals that refuse to recognize the fact that God
still performs miracles through men of God, are not in
need of a miracle from God! When the time comes when
doctors say they have done all they can for a person, they
quickly come to the reality that, they need a miracle from
This book is one of those books that once you begin
reading it, you will not stop reading it until you have
finished it ….enjoy !
Writers E-book Net, is proud
to have
Reverend Jack L. Duis as one of our authors. We are
glad to be the
publisher of his first E-book
Miracles, Touched By God
the book by
reading the 1st chapter
This title is
available and ready for deliver to you by
E-mail: $4.98, or on disk (mailed): $6.98
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As an ordained minister,
evangelist, and with a healing ministry, I endeavor to tell
how God has used me to pour out His never ending love for
mankind through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is
that those who read this book (especially the layman,
ministers , and Evangelists) will take heed of what the Holy
Spirit is doing today… not yesterday, but today . Not to
limit the Living God to just the minute things of life, but
through the Holy Spirit dare to trust God for “anything”
and know He will do it!
The recreation of an eye, internal organs, or any part of the
human body. When these miracles happen in this ministry, they
do not “surprise” me in any way . But, it would surprise
me if they would not happen. This “knowing” is the prime
factor that keeps me in constant contact with God. Being “in
tune” with the Holy Spirit and doing the will of God is my
Remember this, God is no respecter of persons. What He has
done for others, He can do for you, and will. Just use your
faith ! Have faith in God and expect God to give you the
miracle that you need, and it will happen! |
Page Last
Updated: April 16, 2007
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