Page - Hiram Dorado

Hiram Dorado
Dorado is an
intercessor and a prayer warrior who has served God since
1984. It was during the burial day of his own brother when
he came to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. Hiram has been married to Cecy, a wonderful woman
of God, since 1985 and together, they are very proud
parents of their only daughter, Genesis. They reside in
the state of Texas.
Hiram and his family have experienced many challenges
during the military career with the United States Marine
Corps and as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. These
challenges and circumstances have been at many times
painful, close to death, and lonely, but they have been
the methods, as well, to receive great revelations of
God’s love, mercy and justice.
Although Hiram has served very close to people in the
five-fold ministry such as Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists
and Teachers, the nature of his secular careers (military
and law enforcement) has restricted him to permanently
stay at one place and become like “Timothy” to some
five-fold ministry men of God. Since Hiram came to the
revelation of His Lord and Savior, he had been longing for
a very personal relationship which he would appreciate as
mentorship, like the ones we know from the bible “Paul and
Timothy”, “Moses and Joshua”, “Elijah and Elisha”, but God
gives a mentor and instructs as He desires. The
discipline, zeal, and humbleness in Hiram’s heart have
been the ideal preconditions to receive instruction and
knowledge from God however God desires (by His Word, His
Holy Spirit, by the Five-fold ministry, or by very
difficult life experiences). God has strategically placed
Hiram in the careers of law enforcement and military
service to create in his heart a heavy burden and faithful
intercession to prophetically see the full restoration in
many areas of our lives, lifestyles, values, principles,
and ideas.
Hiram is also the author of and he is currently working in few
other subjects that will bring a unique awareness of other
opinions and standpoints that are misleading people at
these present times. Hiram is just another ordinary person
with no Doctor’s degree or any prestigious achievements,
but he is the evidence how a very simple prayer with a
very strong heartfelt desire can take the faith of a
believer into a higher level of spiritual revelations and
victories: “Father, God, I beg you to give me eyes that I
can see you, ears that I can hear you, a heart that can
feel yours, and a mouth that can speak your desires.” |
Writers E-book Net, is proud
to introduce Hiram Dorado as one of our
authors. We are
glad to be
publisher of his first E-book
Passion - One Life to Live
Understanding the Heart of God
And your quest to a successful life
during these decisive times
His book by
reading the First Chapter
This title is
available & ready for
deliver to you by
E-mail: $8.98, or
on disk (mailed): $10.98
To place your
order, return to the shopping page.
As an
Intercessor, I have seen a great need in the Body of Christ
for a fresh revelation of John 15:12-17. Many Preachers and TV
Evangelists proclaim of the preordained and certain next
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ within few years or at least
during this generation. It is my prayer that we can all have
this kind of expectancy too, but unfortunately there is an
unbalance approach to this aspiration. We haven’t fulfill the
mandate of Ephesians 4:13:
“[That it might develop] until
we all attain oneness in the faith and in the
comprehension of the full and accurate knowledge of the Son
of God; that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood –
the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the
standard height of Christ’s own perfection – the measure of
the stature of the fullness of the Christ, and the
completeness found in Him.” (Amplified).
After I have seen so many prayer requests desperately asking
for hasty answers, I have scrutinized the need that a lot of
people still have to receive fast miracles; unfortunately this
approach has been moving people too far from the message of
the cross and the certainty of who He actually is, beyond any
shadow of a doubt. These desperate and impatience expectations
definitely don’t help to reduce the gap between man and God’s
objective to achieve an intimate relationship. The desire to
get immediate answers to our prayers, has made it almost
impossible to obtain the right attitude to get closer to God;
I am referring to an unselfish dyeing of ourselves when
everything around us seems to be collapsing (finances,
friendships, relationships, career inspirations, retirement
goals, etc.) but He still made a statement that no one can
ignore or walk out of:
“And He said to all, if any
person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself – that is,
disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own
interest, refuse and give up himself – and take up his cross
daily, and follow Me [that is, cleave steadfastly to Me,
conform wholly to My example, in living and if need be in
dying also].”(Luke 9:23 - Amplified) |
Page Last
Updated: June 5, 2009
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