Page - Rev. Robert Coutts

Rev. Robert Coutts |
A Brief Look At Dr.
Robert Coutts Testimony
Robert Coutts is an ordained minister
and has served in a pastoral capacity for over 30 years.
His calling came at the age of twenty-six although he had
a visitation from God when he was eleven years old. He
accepted Christ and realized at that time there was a
direction God was leading him. Years later in a mining
town in Northern Canada above the 60th parallel,
(brrrr). ‘Bob’ found himself lying in a
hospital with a burst and bleeding duodenal and peptic
ulcer. It could have been the end for him but God had
other plans. A Mennonite nurse was working in the hospital
which, by the way, was owned and operated by The
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. That nurse came to his
room and asked him if he wanted ‘a devotion’
and not knowing what a devotion was and thinking it was
something to eat, said yes! That nurse pulled out a Bible
and read to him and prayed for his soul and his healing.
He felt something but did not understand what it was until
the next morning when a doctor came in and said, you can
go home, we prayed and you were healed, there is no trace
of the burst ulcers. Confused but relieved, Bob went home
and returned to a daily life.
But God’s ways are higher
and a year later he found himself in a church and
accepting Christ. He had not seen that nurse for that
whole year and the day he accepted Christ, he looked
across the congregation and there sat the little Mennonite
nurse smiling and in tears. Bob had come home and her
witness had succeeded. That day God called Bob into full
time ministry and he has not looked back since. He left
the Northwest Territories and went to Eastern Pentecostal
Bible College, Northwest Pentecostal Bible College, North
American Biblical Seminary, and Canada Christian College.
When all the education was completed Bob had received an
earned doctorate, a Doctor of Theology with a written
thesis called, “Eschatology, A Study To Reaffirm The
Second Coming Of Christ”. From the moment he left
college he began serving in a pastoral capacity from the
Northwest Territories to Ontario and then into the USA for
the last 12 years. Dr. Bob’s desire is to see people come
to a saving knowledge of Christ and also to help them to
live and walk the Christian walk. Bob has always enjoyed
writing and is always looking for ways to write things
that encourage people. His web/blog
has many articles of encouragement on it and is a fine
example of the type of writing he does. Life has not
always been the proverbial bed of roses either. Adversity
has always been a part of his growing in the Lord. Things
like nearly losing a child, receiving a healing in his own
life and now watching as God takes he, and his wife,
through a liver transplant and the many complications that
ensue. Adversity has shown Dr. Bob and Daphne how great
God is and this short work which can be used as
preaching, teaching or just reading for help, will
show you a condensed version of what they have learned.
There are 16 points with a conclusion that ties them all
together. Dr. Bob and Daphne pray this will touch your
life and you will see why they have served the Lord for
these many years with a faith that lasts. Faith in God
through adversity. Enjoy! |
Christian Writers E-book Net, is proud to have
Rev. Robert Coutts as one of our authors. We are
glad to be the
publisher of his first E-book
Why Adversity?

This title is
available and ready for deliver to you
To place your order, return to
the shopping page.
Book Trailer Video |
Why Adversity:
A Synopsis: Dr. Robert SJ Coutts
When we hear the word adversity or
even think about it, the first question that comes to mind
is “what are God’s purposes for allowing adversity?”
Adversity is designed to help us understand why
trials come to us. Through that
understanding we should be able to find ways from
Scripture to deal with it. Adversity can be
our greatest motivation for spiritual growth, or,
adversity can be our greatest and deadliest means of
discouragement. The difference depends on
our understanding of God’s purposes through adversity.
What is written in this short study are sixteen
ways adversity works to strengthen us. I Peter 4:12;
says, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the
fiery trial which is to try you.” Getting our
attention, our assurance God loves us, reducing our pride,
and sifting friendships are just a few of the things we
can learn from adversity. Ultimately, we learn from
James 1:2; that it says, My brethren, count
it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.”
or trials, or adversity. That does not mean we run around
yelling ‘yippee, I’m in a trial’. No! It
means we are to rejoice in the fact that God will keep us
during that trial and ultimately see us through to the
other side. Have a look at the video trailer and maybe
read a sample page and I am sure you will want to read the
whole book. It will help you and you will help others
after reading and applying it to your life. Adversity can
be a benefit! |
Page Last
Updated: February 10, 2012
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