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Earl Leonard Langguth

Earl Leonard Langguth & wife Darleen |
Earl Leonard Langguth’s Biography
Earl Leonard Langguth was born in San
Diego, California, in 1927 and grew up more or less
uneventfully until high school graduation and induction
into the army in 1945. Returning from service in the Army
of Occupation in Korea, he attended the Colorado School of
Mines, San Diego State University, the graduate faculties
at Columbia University, and the Pacific School of
Religion, ending his academic pilgrimage in 1956 with two
degrees, an A.B. in Zoology and an M.Div. preparatory to
becoming an ordained minister. For the next 43 years, he
served in eight pastoral appointments in the Methodist
Church in California. Retiring in 1997, he continued
writing as a poet (Listening Christmas, 2001, and
Illuminations, 2006). He has been published in The
Christian Century, The Circuit Rider, and in a variety of
newspapers; and his Evolution: The True Story of a Life
That Changed is available from XLibris. Omnesia!
Is dedicated to the memory of Mary Lu, his first wife, and
he now is happily married to Darleen Langguth. They reside
in Penn Valley, California |
Writers E-book Net, is proud
to have
Earl Leonard Langguth
as one of our authors.
We are
glad to be the
of his first E-book
A Novel of Christian
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A Novel of Christian
It is true that on that bright April
morning John awoke to temporary amnesia, finding himself
in unfamiliar surroundings and unable to remember who he
was or how he had gotten there. This was quickly replaced
by the terrifying experience of what he would call “Omnesia,”
for with the return of his memories he found he shared
them with no one else in the world, that everyone had
forgotten him and even his remembered closest friends
found in him an unrecognized stranger. How had this unique
disaster happened, and what could he do to adapt himself
to it? His wife had completely vanished from where she
should have been and she also was unremembered there. If
she could be found, would she still be married to him?
Would she even know him? His only and chosen vocation not
only required extensive academic preparation but also the
endorsing recognition of ordaining bodies, and officially
he did not exist and had no qualifications. Could a man
with no past expect to achieve a desirable future? These
questions must necessarily be answered, and his only
resources were his memories and his faith. This is the
account of the answers he found and the surprising
discoveries he makes upon the way.
What kind of a book is this? Well, it
might be a mystery if the cosmos can be the suspect; or it
could be seen as science fiction, if the science involved
is theology, the study of God. Could it happen? The
British Astronomer Royal seems to think so! |
Page Last
Updated: February 13, 2011
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