The 1,215 year cycle Earlier, we saw how the conjunctions with Venus form a near perfect pentagram every eight years. The important words in the previous sentence are 'near perfect'. In fact, the final conjunction that arrives close to the starting point falls short by about two degrees. The subsequent pentagrams that form always begin just a little further back on the orbital path. It moves in what is described as a retrograde path because it travels in the opposite direction to Venus' orbit. It takes 1,215 years for the original starting point to be achieved. During that time there have been 760 conjunctions. The factors are 19 x 8 x 5. Once again, we have in 5 and 8 examples of two adjacent Fibonacci Numbers falling together. Here's another “coincidence”. 243 years (the period of the transit cycle) divides into 1,215 years exactly FIVE times. The number 1,215 can now be written as 5 x 243 or 5x 55 x phi5. In mathematics, that would be simplified to 56 x phi5. In long-hand, that's FIVE to the power of six times phi to the power of 5.

By applying Bible Numeric symbolism to these numbers, we get a result that is incredibly powerful and important in it's implications. We already know what FIVE signifies, but six relates to Man. What we get from this is God's grace and goodness towards man. Also, with phi being the Divine Proportion which is seen all through creation is also underpinned by the number 5, telling us that His grace has also been extended to His creation. The bottom line here is that the 1,215 year cycle demonstrates this message. As the whole thing is based upon conjunctions and transits, there should be examples of God's message particularly at the time of transits. The only way to see this in action is to examine what went on during those cycles. One would assume a special significance at the beginning and the end of 1,215 year cycles. How the Cycles of Venus Have Defined History In 2012, we will have the last transit of the Sun by Venus until 2117. A couple of interesting questions are this, 1) Is 2012 the final transit in the 1,215 year cycle? 2) If so, is there any ongoing relevance to the fact? Answer 1: Nothing that God does is by accident. Very few commentators would argue that the upcoming transit in 2012 will be the last one before the return of Christ. The next one after that one is in 2117. If it's the last one ever, it seems reasonable to argue that it's the last one in the cycle. Answer 2: If there is some significance, it will only be found by investigating the historical events surrounding the relevant dates.

By looking at the dates, an obvious pattern does quickly emerge. The dates in question are 797 AD, 426 BC, 1,641 BC, 2,856 BC, 4,079 BC and 5,294 BC. The theme that arises involves attacks on God's people and on the blood-line leading to the birth of the Messiah. The attacks are coupled with mitigating outcomes during the cycles. This is a very powerful discovery. In this series, there are two anomalies which are highlighted (in the chart) in blue. The one constant in the chart is the eight year period that occurs between the longer gaps. After examining the data, it appears that the entire eight year periods can mark both the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. However, on the chart above, I've used the second of the transit pairings as a start/finish point.

History and the transits since the birth of Christ

By highlighting Earth's relationship to Venus, we are examining just one aspect of our wonderful Universe. There are many other celestial objects that tell us the story of God's plan for us. However, it seems that Venus has the function of a time-piece with its various cycles acting like the hands of a clock, measuring the times and the seasons, and marking the landmark events of history. Following are some examples of events that correspond within a year of transits to historical transits:

· AD 60- The apostle Paul imprisoned in Rome, where he was executed 7-8 years later.

· AD 67 or 68- The apostle Paul executed (probably beheaded as he was a Roman citizen).

· AD 68- (near miss) corresponds to the end of Nero's reign, he committed suicide on June 9.

· AD 68- Vespasian began his Judean campaign to suppress the Great Jewish Revolt.

· AD 180- was the end of Aurelius's reign. Marcus Aurelius had abandoned Trajan's passive approach and actively sought Christians to persecute them throughout the empire.

· AD 303- was the beginning of the Diocletian persecution. Christians were forbidden to worship in groups, and thousands of them were killed in the following decade.

· AD 311- The edict of Sardica issued in April by the Roman co-emperor Galerius Valerius Maximanus grants tolerance to Christians.

· AD 431- The cult of the Virgin begins to spread westward from Byzantium following a decree of the Council of Ephesus recognising Mary as the Mother of God.

· AD 675- was the year of birth of John of Damascus, who was an Arab Christian monk and priest, an Eastern Orthodox mystic who supported various heresies. An account of Buddha's life, translated earlier into Greek by St John of Damascus and widely circulated to Christians as the story of Barlaam and Josaphat, became so popular Buddha (under the name Josaphat) was made a Catholic saint.

· AD 787- when the Council of Nicea II supported the decision of John of Damascus concerning icons. This decision was not well received in the West.

· AD 797- The manslaughter of Constantine VI by his mother, Irene of Athens. Constantine opposed (and would have eventually reversed) the decision of the Council of Nicea which institutionalised the veneration of icons.

· AD 1033- was the birth of Anselm, father of scholasticism. He proposed the ontological argument for the existence of God. He argued for the necessity of the Incarnation and Redemption of Christ.

· AD 1517- Luther nails his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenburg. It is the first public act of the Reformation.

· AD 1517- The Ottoman Empire begins to rule in Palestine for 400 years until 1917, fulfilling the prophesy of Genesis 15:13.

· AD 1527- The sacking of Rome has been viewed as a turning point in the history of papal Rome and in Renaissance culture.

· AD 1630- John Winthrop and many Puritans migrated to America.

· AD 1631- Mt. Vesuvius erupted and 3,000 people were killed

· AD 1759- birth of William Wilberforce, an evangelical in the Church of England, who fought against slavery and wrote Real Christianity

AD 1761- birth of William Carey, known as “father of modern missions”

· AD 1874- The Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation by Albrecht Ritschl reduces Christianity to a social gospel.

· AD 1882- beginning of the First Aliyah (18821903). Aliyah (meaning ascent) refers to the immigration of foreign-born Jews back to Palestine.

· AD 1883- eruption of Krakatoa on August 2627, 1883 which could be heard over 3,000 kilometres away. The explosion was equivalent to 150-200 megatons of TNT which is about 4 times larger than the biggest nuclear test ever performed. Tens of thousands were killed.

· In the period encompassing the transits of 1874 and 1882, 26 million Indians perished, and 13 million Chinese from famine. In Western Europe and America, it also coincided with a period known as the Long Depression that lasted into the 1890s.

· 2004 AD- According to statistics, that year had a record 330 major natural and man-made disasters that cost over US $123 billion. Insurance companies paid out $49 billion. 280,000 lives were lost during the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26.

The correlation between the transits from Creation to the birth of Christ:

(using the estimates from the charts of Venus' transits)

The events below correspond to within 1 year of the transit dates. I also count significant events that occur between the twin transits that happen 8 years apart.

· BC 5157- The exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden;

· BC 5149- The birth of Cain;

· BC 4817- The birth of Enos;

· BC 4322- The death of Adam;

· BC 3107- The birth of Shem;

· BC 2613- Likely date of the Tower of Babel events;

· BC 2136- The death of Reu, whose name when combined with that of his grandfather Eber, gives us the origin of the name 'Hebrew';

· BC 2134- The birth of Terah, Abraham's father;

· BC 1989- The death of Abraham which falls between the transits of 1892 BC and 1884 BC;

· BC 1757- The death of Jacob, which falls between the transits of 1763 BC and 1755 BC;

· BC 1641- The edict by Pharaoh to kill all male Israelite babies;

· BC 1512- The exodus from Egypt;

· BC 1035- David becomes king of Judah;

· BC 1028- David becomes king of all Israel; and

· BC 426- The end of Malachi's ministry, the last prophet prior to the birth of Christ.

Now that we've seen the correlation between the transits and important historical events, it will be profitable to see how the dates that mark the beginning/end of cycles impact on history. We'll start with the most recent and go backwards to the beginning.

Final transit of the cycle finishing on May 22nd 797AD

Let's look at the date 797 AD. Irene of Athens was the wife of the Byzantine Emperor Leo IV and mother of Constantine VI, both strong iconoclasts (theologically opposed to the veneration of icons). She ruled jointly with her son, Constantine, after the death of her husband Leo. Irene was a strong iconodule (supporter of the veneration of icons). She arranged the convening of the Second Council of Nicea in 787 that entrenched the practice of the installation of icons within churches. At age 16, Constantine (under the influence of Irene) had signed the decrees of the Second Council, but he appears to have had iconoclast sympathies.

As Constantine approached maturity he began to grow restless under Irene's autocratic sway. Irene, by skilful intrigues with the bishops and courtiers, organised a powerful conspiracy on her own behalf in order to retain power. Seized by his attendants on the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus, Constantine was carried back in July to the palace at Constantinople; and there, by Irene's orders, his eyes were gouged out. He died from his wounds several days later. A solar eclipse (August 26, 797) was attributed to the horror of Heaven.

This despicable event occurred in 797 AD. Upon Constantine's death, Irene was able for the next five years to influence Church affairs. Her meddling and influence contributed to the friction between Constantinople and Rome that eventually led to the schisms that plagued the Catholic Church over the following centuries, and which continue to the current day.

The mitigation came in the middle of the next millennium with the Reformation. Another event that revolutionised Christianity was the invention of the printing press in the mid-fifteenth century, making bibles more readily available. Of particular note is the fact that on 31 October 1517, Martin Luther wrote to Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, protesting the sale of indulgences. He enclosed in his letter a copy of his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences," which came to be known as The 95 Theses. This date in 1517 is regarded as the starting date for the Protestant Reformation. Seven months later, there was a transit of Venus, the exact date being May 26th 1518. Using the Hebrew calendar, both dates fall in the same civil year.

Final conjunction of the cycle finishing on 22nd May 426 BC

This date in history marks a date at the end of the ministry of Malachi, the very last prophet of the Old Testament. “The prophecy of Malachi was given by a man whose name means "my messenger." Some have suggested that the word 'malachi' is a title rather than a name. The author of the book could in fact be the prophet Ezra. It is most suggestive that this last book of our Old Testament centres around the theme of a messenger of God and a prediction of the coming of another messenger. In this, therefore, we have a direct tie between Malachi and the New Testament. Chapter 3, for instance, begins with this prophecy: "Behold, I send my messenger [in Hebrew that would be "Behold, I send Malachi"] to prepare the way before me, ..." (Mal 3:1a RSV)”

What greater disaster could there be for any generation than for there to be no word from God? For over 400 years from 426 BC, the disobedience of God's chosen people had meant subjugation from invaders and silence from Heaven. It was only with the birth of Christ (the Man of Salvation) and his subsequent ministry that saw the message of salvation and reconciliation restored to Israel and then to all nations.

Anyone who has done their maths will see that 426 BC is actually 1,222 years after 797 AD rather than 1,215, keeping in mind that there was no zero year, meaning that there's one year of difference in the expected maths. The discrepancy can be attributed to a change in the increments of the transit cycle periods between the transit series. The 243 year cycle is substantially maintained. We currently have 113.5 (105.5 + 8) + 129.5 (121.5 + 8) year cycles. Prior to 1518 AD, the periods were 121.5 (113.5 + 8) + 121.5 (113.5 + 8) years. Prior to 54 BC, they were 128.5 (120.5 + 8) + 114.5 (106.5 + 8) years. Because of this phenomenon, there is a 7 year longer term because the final period prior to 54 BC was 128.5 years followed by the first period subsequent which was 121.5 years, a difference of exactly 7 years.

Coincidentally, this insertion of an extra 7 years into the cycle occurs around the time of the birth of Christ. It can't be an accident because so many coincidences of the mathematics so far are beyond mere probability. By adding the number 7 into a 243 year sequence and into the encompassing 1,215 year sequence gives us so new symbolism to look at. The number 7 represents spiritual completeness.

The 243 year cycle therefore becomes 250 years for this one instance. The factors of 250 are 2 x 5 x 5 x5. The number 2 can mean either union or division. In this case, it means union because that meaning is compatible with the number 5. It's not just 5 alone, but 5 cubed. This is telling us something about Christ's mission. The union that is insinuated by the number 2 speaks of God's intention of restoring the relationship between God and His people. Associated with that intention is the number 5 which is highlighted and emphasised because it's repeated three times. Five, as stated many times previously stands for God's grace and goodness. This is the avenue by which mankind was destined to be reconciled to our God, so what we have received is grace upon grace as in John 1:16-17 “ for of his fullness we all have received, and grace upon grace. For the law was given by Moses: grace and truth subsists through Jesus Christ.” (Darby Translation)

The larger cycle which has for this one cycle been increased from 1,215 to 1,222 years has the factors of 2 x 13 x 47. In this case, 2 stands for division and separation while 13 as we know stands for sin and rebellion. The number 47 seems to be orphaned, but it too has a meaning, as it is equal to Phi (1.618...) to the power of 8. This too underlines God's purpose. We are to be separated (2) from sin (13) in order that we can find salvation (8).

If we put all of the numbers together from this special and unique series, we have 7 (spiritual completeness), 2 (division or unity), 5 (God's grace and goodness), 8 (salvation) and 13 (sin and rebellion). The story from this is God's plan for us is that by His manifold grace and goodness, He wishes to separate us from sin and bring us into union with Himself so that we may attain spiritual completeness and salvation. The Heavens do indeed speak to us in unexpected ways.

  < Chapter Three  |  Chapter Five >