Chapter Six

The Sixth Parable

Choosing To Live In a Place Or a Palace

This parable is short but has a powerful message. One day it occurred to me the difference between a place and a palace was the letter A. We all know here on earth there is much more involved than that. But this parable refers to the Kingdom of Heaven, our eternal dwelling, which we will call home forever.

Spiritual parables often revolve around truths relating to Heaven. So here is the meaning of this parable. For each one of us there will come a “Judgment Day.” Everyman’s works will be tried by fire; that which does not perish in the fire, will determine his or her reward. Works of wood, hay, and stubble - those we have done out of envy, or to gratify our flesh (selfishness), or using others, will perish in the fire. Works of gold, silver, and precious stones - those we have done motivated solely by love; gold - Love for God, silver - Love for our neighbor, precious stones - Love for both God and our neighbor. Such works will not perish in the fire (1st Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 13; Revelations, chapter 3, verse 18, and chapter 22, verse 12).

When that day comes for you and I what will our Father be able to say to us regarding our eternal house? When our life’s works are tried by fire will they yield enough gold, silver, and precious stones? Will we have earned the A we need? Will our Father say to us, “Well done my good and faithful servant, here is the key to your Palace?” Or will He say, “Here is the key to your Place ?”

The answer we desire to hear has to do with our pursuing the “Fire” of Jesus’ kind of Love to rule and reign in our heart each day. “WHERE YOUR HEART IS, THERE WILL YOUR TREASURE BE ALSO” (Luke, chapter 12, verse 34).

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